Thursday, May 14, 2009

Melisa Pinnow Profile

Here's a video Pinnow made in regards of her visit to the Queen Mary and her experience with the paranormal activity she experienced.

Here's 15-year-old Melisa Pinnow's short Q & A session from Washington.

Q: When did you become interested in the paranormal?

A: I became interested in the paranormal i think when i graduated from elementary school and went to a private school for middle school, which I'm still at. It is a very old school and it was the first time i ha d ever gone upstairs and i immediately felt the presence of an old lady who was kinda annoyed that we were that but she tolerated it. So i went up there a lot and just sat in the place where i though she had died. Then i heard about how the school had actually had a paranormal past in the building! So I'm pretty sure thats what got me into the paranormal.Whats the best/worst about it? hmmm I think the best things about it is that it is just so amazing, incredible and remarkable to see, feel and interact with real people that had real lives. Its actually really fun for me lol. I love to do it any chance i get. The bad parts i guess could be that i could get possessed.

Q: Do you watch any of the paranormal television shows?

A: I watch ghost hunters and ghost hunters international and would love to meet the teams! lol. very awesome shows, very awesome. They are serious about what they do but do have some humor in there, its just them fooling around in their spare time and those times just crack me up! They always get some evidence and really know how to get spirits to respond to them.

Q: How long have you been researching and investigating the paranormal?
A: I have been researching the paranormal for about 3 years, I think.

Q: What are some of the locations you have visited to investigate?

A: I have investigated at my school, out at Hotel De Haro, Roche Harbor, the Queen Mary ( twice, love that place!! )and my house.... and maybe some more that I can't remember. I would love to go back to the Queen Mary though and investigate a lot of places in Seattle and the labs here on the island.

Q: What equipment do you typically use when you investigate? What's the best tool in your opinion?

A: I use a camera, the K2 meter, sometimes a laser thermometer or a tape recorder. But I always have my K2 meter with me, it is the best tool in my opinion,I would never leave without it. Another tool that i have used only a few times at my school was the Ouija board, and I do like that tool too, very cool but people say I shouldn't use it and usually keep it away from me so... yeah that sucks. But yeah the K2 is defiantly the best tool in my opinion.

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