Here is the most recent case of the "Montauk Monster" that was found in Long Island on May 5, 2009. Photo provided by Here is a picture of the first "Montauk Monster" that was found back in July of 2008. Photo provided by
Many times people associate the study of the paranormal only related to spiritual practices, ghosts, and demons, but there are many more areas of the field that this study entails. For example, the study of monsters is a large area. This week the online news has been buzzing with the news of the infamous "Montauk Monster." A corpse of one of these supposed monsters was found in Long Island on May 5, 2009 while the first case had been found not even more than a year before. There are various theories for these new monsters, but the most popular is that it could possibly be a mutated sea turtle with no shell. The part that fears that is has disease. Paranormal investigators are not too pleased with this new finding because various professionals think this is a media spectacle and nothing more.
"Personally, I can't stand how some paranormal television shows and investigation groups focus too much on the demonic or the monster aspect of the paranormal world,"said Sharon Coyle, the founder of Start the Journey. "I believe that if demons and monsters really have such strong powers that they wouldn't be taking it out on people who live out in the middle of nowhere or farm lands. It doesn't make sense."
Here's a video Pinnow made in regards of her visit to the Queen Mary and her experience with the paranormal activity she experienced.
Here's 15-year-old Melisa Pinnow's short Q & A session from Washington. Q: When did you become interested in the paranormal?
A: I became interested in the paranormal i think when i graduated from elementary school and went to a private school for middle school, which I'm still at. It is a very old school and it was the first time i ha d ever gone upstairs and i immediately felt the presence of an old lady who was kinda annoyed that we were that but she tolerated it. So i went up there a lot and just sat in the place where i though she had died. Then i heard about how the school had actually had a paranormal past in the building! So I'm pretty sure thats what got me into the paranormal.Whats the best/worst about it? hmmm I think the best things about it is that it is just so amazing, incredible and remarkable to see, feel and interact with real people that had real lives. Its actually really fun for me lol. I love to do it any chance i get. The bad parts i guess could be that i could get possessed.
Q: Do you watch any of the paranormal television shows?
A: I watch ghost hunters and ghost hunters international and would love to meet the teams! lol. very awesome shows, very awesome. They are serious about what they do but do have some humor in there, its just them fooling around in their spare time and those times just crack me up! They always get some evidence and really know how to get spirits to respond to them.
Q: How long have you been researching and investigating the paranormal? A: I have been researching the paranormal for about 3 years, I think.
Q: What are some of the locations you have visited to investigate?
A: I have investigated at my school, out at Hotel De Haro, Roche Harbor, the Queen Mary ( twice, love that place!! )and my house.... and maybe some more that I can't remember. I would love to go back to the Queen Mary though and investigate a lot of places in Seattle and the labs here on the island.
Q: What equipment do you typically use when you investigate? What's the best tool in your opinion?
A: I use a camera, the K2 meter, sometimes a laser thermometer or a tape recorder. But I always have my K2 meter with me, it is the best tool in my opinion,I would never leave without it. Another tool that i have used only a few times at my school was the Ouija board, and I do like that tool too, very cool but people say I shouldn't use it and usually keep it away from me so... yeah that sucks. But yeah the K2 is defiantly the best tool in my opinion.
Sharon Coyle, the founder of Start the Journey Paranormal Investigation Group started out doing investigations at a very young age because she had a family background of paranormally curious people and along with them her town. She has been very interested in the paranormal regardless of the fact that she is not a psychic. However, she does have a special ability for taking pictures of spirits even when she does not intend to. One of the scariest incidences she claims to have had was when she has the intuition to take a photograph of the inside of a closet and later when she was out at dinner with her friends and family, she looked back at her photographs and realized it was the image of a dead man hanging by the neck.
"It was so mortifying," said Coyle. "It was so detailed that you could even see the texture on the rope that was used to hang the poor man. Sometimes it gets very sad and scary because you feel helpless since there's not much you can do for these people who are already dead."
Coyle's favorite aspect of the paranormal world is the study of the "Shadow People," which are an unknown entity that take the forms of shadows and move around the room as pitch-black figures. She has seen the apparition of these shadow people on a few occasions, but once they appeared they never fully disappeared from her curiosity.
Here's a quote by Tuesday Miles, the host of the P.O.R.T.A.L Paranormal Radio Show had to say about her partner Coyle. She posted this up on the group profile for newcomers to the group to view:
"Sharon Coyle runs an excellent meetup group, she works hard in arranging different ghost hunting venues for each member to attend , some are for the well experienced ghost hunter and some are for the beginners. There is an event for all. She shares her experiences with the group, and is easy to approuch with questions, I find Sharon Coyle to be one of the nicest people who loves to ghost hunt. Her goal is to just have a good time in hopes each ghost investigation all in the group walk away with having an excellent experience. She does not over charge the group for her own profit, which I find A BONUS in these groups, events some times do cost a fee, but Sharon is busy trying to make the event affordable for all to attend. So you have tried the rest now try the best !!!! ( smiles )."
It was interesting to find that the majority of the people who visit psychics at the Learning Light center for the monthly psychic fairs would go to seek answers for financial issues regarding themselves, the economy, and loved ones. A variety of people also attended different forms of psychic workshops so that they could learn to tell the future themselves. Going to psychics for advice or fortune-telling can become very costly on their own so it's fascinating as to why people who already have money problems would resort to spending even more money? The people who live on a tight budget are generally the ones who are spending their already low cash on the paranormal for guidance.
In several of the local news sources such as the ones found online, print, and on television reported today that there has been an increase in psychic clients due to the immense desperation regarding the loss of jobs and homes. Here is a short clip regarding some of these worries.
Here is one of the dark corridors in Alcatraz prison that is said to clang as if men run up and down the stairs late at night when the tourist boats have taken all the visitors back to land.
The first thing many tourist think about when they arrive outside Alcatraz prison is about what happened to the criminals that attempted to escape over four decades ago, but it was only until recently that the paranormal aspect of the visits began to overshadow the escape of 1962. There have been some recent claims of a banjo playing in the prison once all visitors have cleared out except for the night security guards. These musical notes are believed to be the doing of one of Alcatraz' most famous inmates, Al Capone, because that was what he would do to pass the time. However, nobody has provided evidence so the claims remain as just a rumor.
Many ideas about the Alcatraz also arise when movies such as, "Escape from Alcatraz," "The Rock," or "The Birdman," come into conversation, but many of the employees over at the prison say they are lies. That includes all the paranormal claims that were made in various documentaries and televisions shows about ghosts as well. Alcatraz even offers a separate ranger to guide a tour based on explaining these supposed lies and say they were merely concocted by Hollywood, regardless of some of the allegations made by the security guards in the middle of the night.
"Do I know about the paranormal activity that is said to occur here at Alcatraz , well of course I do," said Ranger John Cantwell. "I have never seen anything here myself but I have heard several people say they have a strange feeling when they walk through the prison cells, but I think a lot of it has to do with ideas people put in their heads when they watch ghost hunter shows."
When asked about the accuracy of the portrayal of Alcatraz in some of the more popular movies based on the prison regarding torture, the rangers denied them as well.
"Movies don't lie, right?" said Ranger Al Blair, the guide for the Hollywood tour. "I mean, if Sean Connery escaped from Alcatraz and Hollywood tells us the criminals should have successfully escaped, that's the way it really goes apparently."
In order to arrive to Alcatraz Prison, tourist and employees have to take the same route on a ferry boat that the former prisoners took before they were locked away. This leaves many tourists with the feelings of a combination of sympathy and tranquility because the sight on board is a beautiful, yet sad one.
"It makes you feel really sad because it's such a nice view but then you hear about the torture that took place here and it's kind of difficult to believe there aren't any spirits lingering here," said Erik Gutierrez, a visiting tourist on Spring break. "I mean, that's a big reason I came here today. I want to see what this fuss about spirits and ghostly banjo music is because its been reported on the TV."
Several paranormal investigators, psychics and mediums have tested the receptivity of Alcatraz and it is often reported by visitors that the feeling of anger and frustration is leaked into the walls.
"Many people come here claiming they can feel the thoughts of the prisoners when they were locked up, " said Cantwell. "I can't say I feel the same but at least people walk away with a ghost story to tell when they get home."
This vault is located near the visitation center and warden's office, which was where the prisoners used to go when they misbehaved. Two officers were murdered at this location and paranormal activity has been reported here since 1976, which is a full 30 years after the murders took place.
Here is one of the rooms where the infamous Alcatraz prisoners escaped back in 1962. The rangers at Alcatraz assured guests that the men never made their escape to Angel Island alive and it was only in the movies.
Here is a picture of the Rancho Los Amigos abandoned asylum. Image provided: here
In the Los Angeles County area sits a town called Downey, which is renowned for its expensive real estate value, but also for its rumored ghostly presence at the Rancho Los Amigos Asylum, a hospital used previously for the mentally ill. It has not been occupied for years.
It is a destination for many curious teenagers to visit when they feel the need to be scared or just to hang around and see if any ghostly sightings could be found. The asylum is located behind the local courthouse and next to a private Catholic school for girls called Saint Joseph's, which is also well-known locally for claims of paranormal activity from students around the neighborhood. "There are many girls that have problems at Saint Joseph's when it comes to the paranormal, "said Victor Gonzalez, 17, a senior at Downey High School. "My twin sister Valerie goes there and strange things happened in the classrooms like dry erase pens thrown across the room, but they've had bigger problems in the bathrooms with loud, unknown footsteps and fingerprints materializing on the mirrors before their eyes."
Though no paranormal activity has been proven at either location, it does not stop teenagers and even some adults from trespassing on the property. There are dozens of homemade videos of footage of the Downey asylum that can be found on, but many have posted pictures and horror stories of visits to the abandoned asylum on various websites and chatrooms online.
"It was really scary when we went there to the asylum, we took our two daughters and went inside and experienced a lot, plus we got some creepy footage too so something was definitely in there," said Lolita Salazar, 30, a resident of Downey. "The cops did stop us but they saw that we had our kids with us so they let us stay as long as we didn't go inside and that was the wrong idea because we continued all over inside and across the street; it was crazy and it is definitely haunted."
Downey residents Marvin Del Cid, 19, and Gilbert Aleman, 19, were recently given warnings by police officers for eating burgers in the asylum's forbidden parking lot. The men did not think they were breaking any rules since they were eating silently and privately.
"The police treated us horribly," said Del Cid. "The cop made us get out of the car and shoved my friend and I on the top of the car violently and said he would arrest us next time he saw us there again."
These visits to the asylum are illegal and if a person is caught, it leads to issues with the police department because they currently occupy the open space to use as a target practice range for new cops in training and each Downey officer takes turns patrolling the area.
Regardless of the arrest threats and expensive fines many teenagers receive when caught on the premises, they continue to return to the asylum in hopes of catching a glimpse of a ghost of one of the many past residents that used to live behind the currently boarded-up walls.
Here is a picture of Angelica Borrayo with a chocolate biscuit in her mouth and a "Will Work 4Cookies" sign. This is one display of Borrayo's quirky and inviting personality. Picture provided by Borrayo.
In the realm of the spiritual media business, there are several professional radio shows based on the paranormal such as the "Portal Talk Paranormal Radio show" or "After Twilight Radio," but none have been devoted to or run by the average fanatic until just recently. At California State University, Los Angeles, the upcoming radio station known as "Coolstateradio" is in the process of commencing a spin-off to have a show devoted to the paranormal called, "Ghoulstateradio," which will be hosted by Angelica Borrayo, 20, an Art major at the university and co-hosted by Amelia Ramirez, 19, a business major.
Borrayo's passion for the paranormal began when she would listen to her mother tell stories about ghosts and urban legends back in Mexico.
"The story that really got me going was this one called the 'hanged tree' that if you tried to climb this really scary looking tree in my parents' hometown, it would take you in and you would die," said Borrayo. "Naturally I've seen it before but I never tested the theory even though it sounded ridiculous, I remained superstitious."
Borrayo is planning to become either a graphic designer or animator, but her true passion is to one day become a paranormal investigator. She knew she had been hooked one day when she was still a toddler and a strange man walked into her bedroom in the middle of the night and just stared at her. The moment she looked up to peer into his face, he disappeared.
Borrayo enjoyed learning stories and legends about the paranormal all her life so much that in 2005, she started her own Urban legends and paranormal group on myspace, which is the largest group related to the paranormal currently on there. The number of members in the group is approximately 1,918 people from all around the United States and a few other countries, but the website has now lost much of its popularity with the growth of other social networking sites. For the time being Borrayo attends concerts and interviews different band members for the university's radio station, but she does not mind because she kniws she will get back to the paranormal aspect of her work eventually.
"I hope to get it started up again when people start to listen to my radio show," said Borrayo. "It will be played on the air eventually, but it will be accessed online until we can get more people to become interested and involved with the spiritual aspect of life. I'm very excited." Here is a picture of Borrayo interviewing a performer named Chester French, an up-and-coming singer in the music business.
Here is a previous picture of Erika Frost standing in front of one of the ship's hallways, where many people choose to sleep as a hotel resident. Image provided: here
Erika Frost, whom was formerly known for being the tour guide of the Psychic and Paranormal tours at the Queen Mary since 2004 has left her position and moved onto bigger gigs. Frost, who had previously been seen on various television and radio shows such as, "Ghost Hunters," "Tyra Banks" and "Coast to Coast AM with George Norry" is currently filming a pilot of her own. The pilot, which is about her ghost investigations is said to air by the end of the year. "We hope people are not too disappointed with Erika Frost's absence," said her replacement tour guide, whom chose to remain anonymous. "She will not be returning to do the tours and many times travelers that come to stay aboard the Queen Mary ask specifically for her."
While some visitors do not mind the change, the promise of a true paranormal experience with the help of a psychic has some frequent guests disagreeing and believe the $50 entrance fee is outrageous. "Maybe these people waiting here should receive more for their money," said Don Staggs, the founder of the Orange County Ghost Hunters investigation team. "It's just crazy. Maybe I should wait in the lobby after the paranormal tours so that the people actually get the experience they want and the service the Queen Mary promised to provide when they purchased their tickets."
Staggs, a known face around the Queen Mary's paranormal tours disagrees with the way they are currently being run. He also claims people will experience more paranormal activity spending a few minutes with him and his investigation tools than on the Queen Mary's two hour tour. "We received a lot of EVPs and interaction on our meters in the kitchen," said Staggs. "That was when we were on our own and not with the tour guide anymore."
Many passengers complained of the lack of a psychic guide and feel the entrance fee is overpriced. "It's unfair that the Queen Mary still makes it seem as though Erika Frost will be leading the tour, but they did inform us before we bought the tickets," said Blanca Granados, a recent guest on the paranormal tour. "It was still pretty good and it was refreshing that the new tour guide is unbiased."
What Granados meant when she said the new tour guide is "unbiased" is that she claims to have no psychic abilities. "I am not like Erika Frost and I do not pretend to be," said Frost's replacement. "I have been going along with her on her tours for the last two years and the things I have experienced while on them, I cannot explain because I am a skeptic and won't claim them as the paranormal until I have solid proof.I know the history behind the ship and that is what I can provide passengers." Here is one of the many EVP sessions conducted at the Queen Mary during their haunted tours.
The Learning Light Metaphysical Foundation held their monthly Psychic Fair on March 14, 2009 in the Anaheim area. These fairs are the largest psychic fairs in Southern California and they are held on the second Saturday of every month, which typically attracts psychics and mediums from all around the Los Angeles area. They also bring in people who want to get some spiritual shopping done in various forms.
At these fairs, you may purchase readings from psychics for between $20-$40 for about every 15 minutes from certified psychics that claim they can tell you your future by doing various forms of readings such as palm readings, tarot cards, and other methods typically found in other countries. When asked, the psychics will cater to provide their customers answers to the specific subject they have in mind. Some popular subjects psychics are usually approached for are advisement in relationships, career choices, spiritual paths, and investment deals. For those who prefer a cheaper approach, there are also merchants selling a variety of crystals that each have a significant meaning that are supposed to help a person in a particular area of their lives. At these merchant's tables, you may also have services such as aura pictures taken of yourself or there are sign ups for energy work done in the back of the building. The Psychic Fair is especially affordable for those whom have money restraints because the admission fee is only two dollars to enter and though parking is limited, it is free. There are also free lectures conducted throughout the entire fair day, which occasionally include lessons.
The Psychic Fair welcomed all newcomers along with the young and old alike. The levels of spiritual knowledge in attendance ranged from basic to expert but all were encouraged to gather around and learn more about the fair and all the goods and services they provided.
In order to learn more about the Learning Light Metaphysical Foundation, click: here
A group of 21 experienced and new paranormal investigators gathered together on Friday, March 6th to listen to a seminar conducted by Tuesday Miles, a well-known psychic and medium in the local paranormal community. The investigators researched the background of the Warner Grand Theatre in San Pedro, California where the amount of spiritual activity is said to be high. The seminar was then followed by an investigation of the theatre that went on until two o'clock in the morning.
The Warner Grand Theatre was built in 1931 and is still used to date as the home to foreign and classic film showings. This was the first and only paranormal investigation every conducted at the theatre and the investigators in attendance were not disappointed. "I felt very cold like there was someone in the room with us," said Juliet Frances Jones, a high school teacher in her ordinary life,"the K2 meters that were supposed to detect ghostly activity by lighting up were going off constantly when we would perform EVP sessions and that was when the room would get very cold."
EVPs, which stand for Electronic Voice Phenomena, are noises, voices, or sounds found on digital recorders believed to be spiritual communication. In one recording, the investigators forgot about the session due to lack of activity and begun to discuss their past experiences. In this two minute audio, there are clear whispers in the recording that say words such as, "Don't go, the vortex, we like it. We like it a lot" and "Get out."
The sample was taken on the stage at the Warner Grand theatre at midnight with experienced co-organizer, Jessica Rodriguez leading the sessions. "We were just sitting around the stage when some of the members of the group got frustrated with the lack of interaction and they began to talk amongst themselves," said Blanca Granados, "listening to the recording again, you could clearly hear the whispers like the ghost is trying to get our focus because nobody was paying attention anymore. Nobody in our group said those things."
There were several more recording performed that night with electronic voices believed to be answers from ghosts of the theatre, but none were as clear as the ones found on the stage. The Journey to the Paranormal Investigation group will be conducting another investigation on Wednesday night to hold more EVP sessions at Suicide Bridge in Pasadena, California.
The Watch Dog is a new gadget that is not yet released to the public but has been used by professional paranormal investigators for the last three weeks. It does the job of nine machines in one.
In this picture are a group of members of the Journey to the Paranormal Investigation group and their guests. They gathered around the stage area to view new gadgets that would be used later in the evening.
Tuesday Miles is a well-known psychic and medium in the local paranormal community. She is a co-host on the Los Angeles based P.O.R.T.A.L radio show for all those interested in the paranormal. Photo courtesy Tuesday Miles.
Here is a picture of Blanca Granados, a first-time investigator using a brass instrument to call out the spirirts of the theatre. This tool is called a Brass Singing Bowl. The bowl and wooden stick have the same effect a water goblet would make if you ran your finger over the top.
Here is a picture taken at the stage of the Warner Grand theatre. In this image, there are two orbs floating above the stage. These orbs are believed to be spirits but many have argued they are specks of dusts floating in front of lights. This picture was taken at one o'clock in the morning when the theatre was pitch black.
Listen into the first of four interviews conducted with the anonymous eye-witness where she described her claimed paranormal events at the CSULB campus on February 13, 2009.
*Haunted Mansion picture provided: here Rumors have swirled around about the paranormal presence of ghostly figures in many places such as hotels, restaurants, abandoned buildings, but theme parks? Sure, people die on rides, the most recent being the decapitation of a 17-year-old South Carolina teen who visited a Six Flags Theme park in Georgia back in July of 2008. However, what very few people know is that many incidents have occurred over the years at the Disneyland of Anaheim Theme park that make some question whether it really is the happiest place on earth. After incidents such as these, rumors arise about the way the deaths occurred and whether the ride is indeed haunted.
Although the place of death is where many believe for ghosts to remain imprinted into the earth, the recent ash-dumping incidents at the Disneyland "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Haunted Mansion" rides pose a topic for controversy. In October of 2007, a woman was caught on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride and dumped what she claimed to be baby powder, but once the powder-like substance was examined it tested positive to be ashes. The ride had to be closed down and no one was allowed back into the building until the remaining ashes had been fully recovered. One of the more popular rumors about the Haunted Mansion ride is that a lady once spread her son's ashes around the entire attraction and it is now believed that his ghost sits at the exit of the ride crying out to leave.
Though this allegation has never been confirmed, some Disneyland personnel fully deny it. "Let me assure you, if anything related to ashes had been dumped in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride or even any other ride around here, we would call in the biohazard team to clean it up and empty out the water," claimed one Disneyland employee who chose to remain anonymous. " But as far as the rides being haunted goes, that's nobody's business."
In actuality, the ashes incident with the Haunted Mansion ride had indeed been confirmed and even reported on several websites and local news channels.
Although the Disneyland employees chose to remain silent about the claimed hauntings or ash incidents, one California Adventure employee admitted that these occurrences are not as infrequent as they appear. "To be honest, I haven't heard about the lady throwing her son's ashes inside the Haunted Mansion ride, but not that long ago outside of Pirates of the Caribbean, we found an older woman's ashes scattered around inside the planters and a plaque with her name and date of death on it," said John Dobby. "Its one of the several things I've heard about that ride in particular."
For reasons unkown, people have chosen to keep the memory of their dead loved ones alive on popular tourist attractions, at what is known as, "The happiest place on earth," but the reasons for these choices or even the claimed paranormal incidences remain a mystery.